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The annotated Indian Act / Donna Lea Hawley.
Treaty no. 10 and reports of commissioners.
Indian treaties and surrenders : from 1680 to 1890.
Treaty no. 8 (made June 21, 1899) : and adhesions, reports, etc.
The Indian act and amendments 1970-1993 : An indexed collection.
Indian treaties and surrenders : from 1680 to 1890, in two volumes.
Indian act : R.S.,  c. 1-6 amended by c. 10 (2nd Supp.) 1974-75-76, c. 48; 1978-79, c. 11; 1980-81-82-83, cc. 47, 110; 1984, c. 40, 41; 1985, c. 27 = Loi sur les Indiens: S.R., c. 1-6 modifie[a]e par c. 10 (2e supp.) 1974-75-76, c. 48; 1978-79, c.11, 1980-81-82-83, c. 47 et 110; 1984, cc. 40 et 41; 1985, c. 27. --
Office consolidation of the Indian act, R.S.C. 1952, c. 149 : as amended by 1952-53, c. 41, 1956, c. 40, 1958, c. 19, 1960, c. 8, 1960-61, c. 9.
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation final agreement between the Government of Canada, the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Government of the Yukon.
The Canadian Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy.

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